Company Update

It is with tremendous bittersweetness that we, the cofounders of Everdura Liz and Emily, announce that we are pausing Everdura's operations and sales until further notice. Before explaining why we are doing so, we'd like to share a note of gratitude for our supporters, and a brief overview of everything we've accomplished since starting this company.

THANK YOU SO MUCH and MIL GRACIAS to our customers, mentors, and  supporters. You all have made this dream possible, and we are endlessly grateful for your support during this journey. While we are so sad to end our formal business relationship with you all, we sincerely hope to stay connected in other ways!

Liz and Emily both still deeply believe in the Everdura mission, and are even more convinced of the massive opportunity gap that exists in the (in)accessibility of culturally-relevant fresh foods in the US. While we as individuals move on to other endeavors, we desperately hope that others can take on this challenge. With that said, here is some of what we've been able to accomplish in the last year:

In August 2020, we set out to build a grocery delivery service specializing in only Latin American and Caribbean fresh produce, the kinds of delicious products that can't be easily found in the average American grocery store (online or in-store). You can read more about our origin story here. Throughout the following months, we brainstormed, built, tested, iterated, and launched a few limited delivery service days in central North Carolina. In January 2021, we joined the University of Pennsylvania VIP-X Accelerator program.

In April 2021, we moved operations to Baltimore, MD. We joined the Towson University StarTUp Accelerator program in June 2021 and the Venture For America (VFA) Accelerator program in August. We built our Instagram to over 500 organic followers in about 6 months, and were written about by, UpSurge Baltimore, and even Forbes.

While this chapter has come to an end, our entrepreneurial journeys are moving forward full-steam ahead! If you'd like to connect with either of us about Everdura, the fresh produce industry, digital grocery, Latin American and Caribbean food, sustainable agriculture, or anything else, feel free to email us: 

liz (at) everdura dot co

emily (at) everdura dot co

 You can also find us on LinkedIn.